uploads/made up.jpg

made up adj.1. 制成的;拼好版的。2.虛構的,捏造的;做作...


The cream of the class is made up of the best students . 這些拔尖的學生成了班級的精華。

She is making up for all the playing she missed . 她是在彌補她過去失去的所有玩的機會。

The beautiful autumn made up for the wet summer . 美麗的秋季抵消了多雨的夏季這一缺憾。

She couldn't make up her mind whether to go or not . 她又想去,又不想去,拿不定主意。

We made up the bed in the spare room for our guest . 我們在空著的房間里給客人鋪好床。

The teacher helped his pupils make up the lessons they had missed . 教師給學生補課。

We still need 100 to make up the sum required . 我們仍需100英鎊才能達到所需的數目。

He is always making up to the boss . 他總是討好老板。

Their life was largely made up of love stories . 他們的生活主要是由愛情軼事組成的。

She then began to make up her face . 然后她開始打扮。

A small party was made up . 我們組織了一個小小的團體。

I have made up my mind to be a doctor . 我決心當醫生。

They instantly made up their quarrel . 他們立刻不吵了。

A contingency table is made up of rows and columns . 列聯表是由橫行和縱欄構成的。

She is always very heavily made up . 她總是濃妝艷抹的。

She had wanted to make up with me, that was it . 她想跟我言歸于好,對了,是這樣。

She had made up her face, rearranged her hair . 她臉上已化過妝,頭發也梳理過了。

Philip made up his mind to dislike her thoroughly . 菲利浦下決心根本不去理睬她。

Our losses will have to be made up with more loans . 我們需增加貸款以賠補虧損。